Sermons by Pastor Dunbar (Page 2)

Sermons by Pastor Dunbar (Page 2)

December 25, 2024 Christmas Day, 10:00 am

On this most holy day we rejoice in the Lord and praise his holy name.  The greatest gift of all is unwrapped for us as we worship.  In song and story, in Word and Sacrament, we ponder anew the impact of the birth of Jesus on our lives, our communities, and our world.  Joy to the world – the Lord is come!

December 24, 2024 Christmas Eve 5:00 pm

Arise, shine, for your light has come.  Those walking in the darkness have seen a great light.  Isaiah shares these words of hope with us.  We know what it means to live in the darkness.  But we don’t live without hope.  Tonight we celebrate that hope, given birth in Jesus the Christ.  For to us a child is born.  In Him is life and the life is the light of men.

December 22, 2024 Advent 4

Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth is an occasion for both women to receive blessing through prophetic words inspired by the Holy Spirit. Like them we are blessed…to have Christ dwelling inside us and to receive from God the gift of faith that trusts His promises. Joy and love abound in this week’s readings as our celebration of Christmas draws very near!

December 8, 2024, Advent 2

“Repent, for the Kingdom of God is near!” John the Baptizer preached a message of repentance in preparation for the coming of Jesus. He called the rich and poor alike, the powerful as well as the lowly, to turn from their sins and put their trust in the LORD. Repentance is not complicated. It means simply to “turn”. Turn away from a life of selfishness and sin, and turn toward Jesus as the only One who can deliver us from sin.…

December 15, 2024 Advent 3

“Rejoice!” is the traditional theme for this third week in Advent. But there are many reasons why we may not feel much like rejoicing this time of year. Perhaps an overly full calendar, seasonal depression, or missing loved ones has Advent joy feeling like an out of reach dream for you. John the Baptist struggled to find joy in Jesus due to his imprisonment (Luke 7). Yet Jesus assured him that the Savior had come to save his people –…

November 24, 2024

How many times in a day do we wonder, “What time is it?” Human beings are timekeepers by nature. We are always using time to help us anticipate things that are to come – whether that’s counting the hours until school lets out or the months until we can retire. But how often does God’s Word factor into our timekeeping? Isaiah reminds us that this present Creation has an expiration date (Is 51). Jesus teaches his followers how to be…