Sermons on Epiphany
Epiphany A Cosmic, Political and Personal
Matthew 2:1-12 The story of the visit of the Magi may seem like child’s play as we think of children rearranging the figurines. Yet it is anything but child’s play. It is cosmic, political and most of all personal. Sermon Date: January 5, 2020
2/10/2019 Epiphany 5C Beneficiaries and Agents
Isaiah 6:1-8 and Luke 5:1-11 “Let George do it!” It is an old saying rarely used today but still a reality of everyday life. How often have we tried to shift responsibility to others? I don’t want to do that! I can’t do that! I don’t have time for that! But both Isaiah and Peter came to understand that as recipients of God’s grace they were also then called to be God’s agents. Reflection on their experience can move us…
Feb 3, 2019 Epiphany 4 Known by God
Jeremiah 1:4-10 One of the things that hamstrings us in our service for God is the excuses we make. We often see ourselves as inadequate in one way or another. For Jeremiah it was his age. He thought he was too young. But God would have nothing of his excuses. From before the time he was conceived God had consecrated him for a purpose. God also has a purpose for each of us from before our creation in the womb.…
1/27/2019 Epiphany 3
Acts of Mercy, Advocacy and Proclaiming the Gospel Luke 4:16-30 In his first recorded sermon Jesus quotes Isaiah 61 and declares that in that moment the prophecy is fulfilled in himself. Jesus is the Christ! And the Christ has a mission which is also defined by Isaiah 61; to do acts of mercy (sight to the blind), to advocate for justice (proclaim liberty), and to preach good news. This become programmatic for the body of Christ as well.
1/6/2019 Epiphany Rejoice with Exceeding Joy
Herod and the Magi are typical of two types of people; those who oppose God and those who have faith. Opposition leads to a troubled spirit as typified in Herod. Faith leads to exceeding joy as typified in the Magi. So how do you respond to the reign of God breaking into your world? Are you troubled in spirit or do you rejoice?