Sermons on death
Lent 3A He Gives Living Water
John 4:5-26 The thread that ties our Gospel and OT Readings together is thirst and water; both are physical and spiritual. That is not so different from where we find ourselves today in dealing with a pandemic and sickness. Thirst and sickness are not so different. They are physical needs that have spiritual repercussions. Jesus takes us from the physical to the spiritual. Jesus takes us from what seek for in our concerns to what we really need; the restoration…
Pentecost 17C Building on the Promises of God Part 10: The Tomb Is Temporary
1 Corinthians 15:54 Habakkuk reminds us that the righteous live by faith. Yes, even in the face of injustice and death. In fact, our great enemy is death. It would tear us apart and separate us from God. So what exactly happens to you at death? People postulate many ideas. All of them leave us hopeless and in despair. But God, in Christ, gives us the hope of the resurrection to eternal life through Jesus’ own resurrection. He is the firstfruits…