Visiting a new church for the first time can be uncomfortable but hopefully these paragraphs will make it a little easier for you to visit St. Peter. What you won’t find is a bunch of greeters waiting to pounce as you arrive. But you will find people like yourself who want to come and worship God and are eager to welcome you.
On the table as you enter, you will find a stack of worship folders and a prayer request sheet. You will want to pick up a worship folder to help guide you through the service. Then, if you have a concern for which you would like prayer, please write it on the Prayer Request Sheet. Our Pastor will be sure to include your request in the prayers that day. We are eager to pray for you and your needs.
Our service follows the traditional Lutheran liturgy. For some it will be familiar but for you it may be new. But have no fear, you will learn it very quickly. We use the same liturgy for about a month for consistency and then for variety we rotate through five other liturgies on a monthly basis as the year progresses. We also follow the traditional church year and lectionary. This gives a rhythm and flow to worship enabling us to follow the life of Christ from conception to ascension and to hear how we can live in a loving relationship with God.
As far as dress is concern, you will find a wide variety. Just wear what is comfortable for you. Of most importance is what is going on in your heart and showing respect to God as we come. So, you will find a wide variety of attire from business, to business casual, to casual, and even shorts in the summer. Again, please wear what is comfortable for you.
After the services coffee, tea and a bit to eat are often available. People use this as a time visit and chat. You are welcome to stay and talk for a few minutes or leave as you need. There is also Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes between the services from September through May. These are great opportunities to grow in faith. Just ask and we will help you find the appropriate place for you or your child.
St. Peter really is a wonderful place to worship, grow in faith, and meet new people. We hope you will come and see for yourself.
Communion Note: We believe that our Lord gives into our mouths not only bread and wine but his very body and blood to eat and drink for the forgiveness of sins and to strengthen our union with him and with one another. Our Lord invites to the table those who trust his words, repent of all sin, and set aside any refusal to forgive and love as he forgives and loves us. Because unworthy reception of the sacrament can be harmful, those who are not yet instructed, are uncertain or doubtful, or hold different confession should speak to the Pastor before participating.