Sermons on Reformation

Sermons on Reformation

October 27, 2024

The rallying cry of the Reformation includes five “solas” (meaning “alone” in Latin). Grace Alone – Our human nature is so corrupted by sin that nothing but God’s undeserved favor can save us. Faith Alone – Our good works, important as they are, contribute nothing to our salvation. Christ Alone – Jesus Christ, by his perfect life, innocent death, and glorious resurrection, is our only Savior from sin and death. Scripture Alone – God’s inspired Word is the only perfect source of truth. Glory to God Alone – God alone…

Reformation C Sola Scriptura

John 8:31-36 The Reformation principle “by Scripture alone” traces its history back to the Leipzig Debate where Luther insisted that Scripture is the only norm for doctrine. Our text shows us that it is also the only norm for our lives and the very power of God for our salvation. Sermon Date:  October 27, 2019