Sermons on Discipleship
Epiphany 3A A Call to What?
Matthew 4:12-25 The story of Jesus calling Andrew, Peter, James and John can be rather intimidating. “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” They left everything and followed Jesus. Are we called to do the same; leave our occupations and homes to follow Jesus? A closer look at this passage reveals a paradigm for both apostleship and discipleship. The application of this passage to your life will depend upon which of these you are being called to.…
Pentecost 13C Building on the Promises of God, Part 6: Power from the Holy Spirit
Acts 1:8 Jesus set a high bar for discipleship; if you do not renounce all that you have you cannot be my disciple. So count the cost. Make sure that you can finish before you begin. Do you have the resources? Really? We know from experience that we don’t. But God does! And he promises, you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. There is the power for discipleship! Sermon Date: September 8, 2019
Easter 7C Joining Jesus Pt 2: Hearing and Talking
John 17:20-26 In the second part of our series on Joining Jesus we will talk about two more of the five Mission Practices. The first practice is “Seeking what Jesus is up to.” Today we continue with practice #3, “Hearing from Jesus” and practice #4, “Talking with People.” Jesus tells us the wise person puts his words into practice. So we don’t just want to know and believe but also to do. These practices will help us to do. They…
Lent 2C …….. I Would yet You Would Not
Luke 13:31-35 Jerusalem is a wonderful city. Yet when you are there looking down at it from the Mount of Olives, the absence of the temple is a reminder of Jesus’ words regarding the desolation that would happen. Jesus’ desire was to gather the people of Jerusalem to himself but in so many cases they would not go to him. This gives us pause today to reflect on our own openness or resistance to Jesus. Are there ways in which…
Lent 1C…….. Suffering Before Glory
Luke 4:1-13 The season of Lent is not easy nor is it meant to be. It calls for discipline and devotion. And sometimes that can reveal in us a desire to take the easy way and even bypass discipline or suffering. Lent then teaches us and trains us in the way of the kingdom which is suffering before glory. It was that way with God’s Old Testament people and with Jesus as demonstrated in both his passive and active obedience.…