Sermons on Repentance
Epiphany 4A Reciprocating God’s Love
Micah 6:1-8 The Lord has shown you what is good, what is required of you. Is it a sacrifice in hand? Something of great value such as our firstborn? No. Nothing from our hands changes God. In fact, that is the point. We need to change, not God. As recipients of his loving kindness we are called to love God in return, to reciprocate his love. Without disparaging formal worship and offerings, Micah reminds us that love from the heart…
Advent 2A Prepare the Way
Matthew 3:1-12 At the beginning of the Church Year we are again reminded that our salvation begins with God coming to us. The story begins in the Old Testament with God’s promises, finds its fulfillment in the coming of Christ, and continues in our day through the work of the Spirit in Word and Sacrament. The key to receiving the kingdom, as John the Baptizer tells us, is repentance; contrition, faith and the fruit of repentance. Sermon Date: December 8,…
Lent 3C …… An Entire Life of Repentance
Luke 13:1-9 “Have you heard the news?” they asked Jesus. A terrible thing had happened. Jesus added another tragic event to their concern. But the question looming behind the question was “Why? What does this mean?” Like them, we want to connect the dots. We want answers. Jesus’ answer is helpful not only in what he says but also in what he does not say. In the end it all comes down to repentance. In fact, as Luther teaches us,…