"revelation" Tagged Sermons

"revelation" Tagged Sermons

Easter 3C

John 21:1-14 In our experience, God is often a hidden God, meaning that we do not or cannot know God and why He does things. That is because we are created beings and God is creator. It is also because of our sinful nature that has stripped us of spiritual discernment. But the good news is that God in his mercy comes to us and reveals himself to us. We see this particularly in the resurrected Christ as he appears…

1/6/2019 Epiphany Rejoice with Exceeding Joy

Herod and the Magi are typical of two types of people; those who oppose God and those who have faith. Opposition leads to a troubled spirit as typified in Herod. Faith leads to exceeding joy as typified in the Magi. So how do you respond to the reign of God breaking into your world? Are you troubled in spirit or do you rejoice?