"End Times" Tagged Sermons

"End Times" Tagged Sermons

Last Sunday of the Church Year; Building on the Promises of God Part 15: God’s Promises Give Hope

The Last Sunday of the Church year reminds us that history is linear; there is a last day and God is moving history to that end. The promise of Christ’s return, along with all of his promises, gives us hope. We may be tempted to lose hope given the circumstances of our world. But in faith we build on the promises of God and are given hope. Sermon Date:  November 24, 2019

Pentecost 23C Building on the Promises of God Part 14: Your redemption Is Drawing Near

Luke 21:5-28 It may seem rather strange to us the way that Jesus places violence and troubled times before our eyes with his words in Luke 21. They can be difficult to hear and we would rather dwell on positive themes. However, a closer look at the passage indicates that Jesus’ purpose is to help us so that we don’t get stuck in the scenes of violence but can see through them to our redemption that is drawing near. Sermon…

Pentecost 22C Building on the Promise of God Part 13: God Sympathizes with You

Hebrews 4:15-16 The Scriptures are very clear that the end times will be troubled times. A quick look around us at the events of the world confirms that. But Paul assures us that God is a God of comfort. And as Hebrews tells us that comfort comes at least in part because we have a high priest who can sympathize with us in our weaknesses. Sermon Date:  November 10, 2019

Your Salvation Draws Near

Have you ever wondered about the catastrophic event in nature we continually see with ever greater frequency and intensity? It seems like the world is coming unglued. In fact, Jesus warns as much… But the point is not to leave us perplexed, fearful, or full of foreboding. Rather Jesus say when you see these things look up. It is a time for faith not anxiety. Your redemption is drawing near. Of this we can be sure for while this world…

Stay Awake

Are you tired? It seems that we all are and in fact, the statistics bear that out. The average person gets less that the recommended hours of sleep and many have trouble falling asleep. So Jesus’ words, “Stay awake” may not be the message we are eager to hear… But Jesus is not talking about physical sleep but about spiritual watchfulness. Fine. But what does that look like? Jesus’ short parable about the household whose master has gone on a…