"death" Tagged Sermons
Pentecost 17C Building on the Promises of God Part 10: The Tomb Is Temporary
1 Corinthians 15:54 Habakkuk reminds us that the righteous live by faith. Yes, even in the face of injustice and death. In fact, our great enemy is death. It would tear us apart and separate us from God. So what exactly happens to you at death? People postulate many ideas. All of them leave us hopeless and in despair. But God, in Christ, gives us the hope of the resurrection to eternal life through Jesus’ own resurrection. He is the firstfruits…
Easter C ………. Life Out of Death
Exodus 15:1-18 Even before the flames that were ravaging Notre Dame were fully extinguished came the promise to rebuild. Life out of death, a new Notre Dame would emerge. This is a resurrection story of sorts in the making. The story of the burning of Notre Dame as well as the story of the Israelites at the Red Sea remind us of our own journey in life where sin traps us and its consequences ravage us. But God provides us…