Building on God's Promises (Page 2)
Pentecost10C Building on the Promises of God Part 3: God Hears and Answers Your Prayers
Luke 11:1-13 We pray, but not nearly as much or as insistently as we should. Jesus’ teaching on prayer and his parable of the impudent neighbor gives us three reasons to pray more diligently; 1) the example of Jesus’ own prayer life, 2) God’s eagerness to hear our prayers, and 3) God answers us with good gifts. Sermon Date: August 18, 2019
Pentecost 5C Building on the Promises of God Part 2: Made in the Image of God
Genesis 1:26-27 You are made in the image of God. But what exactly does that mean? And what difference does that make for our daily lives? Here is a promise of God to build on, so elementary that it shapes our identity and self-worth, as well as the way we seek and treat others. Sermon Date: July 14, 2019
Pentecost 4C Building on the Promises of God Part 1: Promise, Promises, Promises
2 Peter 1:3-4 Could you live one day, one hour without depending on a promise given by another? Not really! We live by promise. But that is our problem. Promises are broken all the time. One of the great themes of the Bible is the demonstration of God’s ability to fulfill and faithfulness to his promises. So we live by faith in God’s promises. God’s faithfulness to his promises enables faith. This sermon is the introduction to a series on…
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