Sermon and Bible Study Archive (Page 4)

Sermon and Bible Study Archive (Page 4)

The archive of the online Bible study of the book of Psalms is available here or as a YouTube playlist.

The archive of the online Bible study of the book of Acts is available here or as a YouTube playlist.

October 27, 2024

The rallying cry of the Reformation includes five “solas” (meaning “alone” in Latin). Grace Alone – Our human nature is so corrupted by sin that nothing but God’s undeserved favor can save us. Faith Alone – Our good works, important as they are, contribute nothing to our salvation. Christ Alone – Jesus Christ, by his perfect life, innocent death, and glorious resurrection, is our only Savior from sin and death. Scripture Alone – God’s inspired Word is the only perfect source of truth. Glory to God Alone – God alone…

October 20, 2024

What if someone promised you a return on your investment that was 100 times what you put into it? You’d probably think it was too good to be true! But that’s exactly the promise Jesus makes to us concerning the spiritual investment we make when we trust and follow him. (Mark 10) Earthly possessions can become a hindrance when we forget how temporary they are. (Ecclesiastes 5) The rewards that God has in store for us in the coming age are infinitely…

October 6, 2024

Today’s Epistle reading urges us to “pay much closer attention to what we have heard” (Heb.2:1). How true this is regarding what God has said about His gift of marriage! Do we regard our marriages as the holy partnership described in Genesis 2? Or do we imitate our culture’s low view of marriage as a human contract, disposable for any reason? Lord, forgive our negligence to Your commands, and help us to be faithful in all our relationships as You…