Sermon and Bible Study Archive (Page 36)

Sermon and Bible Study Archive (Page 36)

The archive of the online Bible study of the book of Psalms is available here or as a YouTube playlist.

The archive of the online Bible study of the book of Acts is available here or as a YouTube playlist.

Followed by Goodness and Mercy

Goodness and mercy are abstract concepts. How can we understand them more concretely? An exercise that may help is to draw a picture of this verse… Honestly, this verse is pretty simple. What possibly is there to talk about? Well, you might be surprised. In fact, as you turn it over and over in your hand and look at it from different angles you see more and more. There is a richness in this simplicity that leads to comfort and…

Anointed Heads and Overflowing Cups

When the disciples objected to the woman anointing Jesus with oil (Matthew 26: 6-13) they revealed their own lack of contentment in life. For us too joy, happiness, and contentment are elusive. But David reminds us that our Good Shepherd anoints our heads with oil and causes our cup to overflow. What does it mean that our Good Shepherd anoints our heads with oil and that our cup overflows? These images fit with the table he prepares for us. This…

A Table Prepared

Today we face a problem; our verse is a mixed metaphor. After all what do sheep have to do with a table prepared? Sheep don’t need a table; shepherds don’t prepare tables. Yet this is what our Good Shepherd does for us in the presence of our enemies. The Scriptures often use mixed metaphors because ordinary metaphors often struggle to express spiritual truths. Mixed metaphors, understood by faith, can take us into new understanding. So our Good Shepherd prepares a…

Soul Restoration

Most of us have been involved in a restoration project of one sort or another. And so is God. “The LORD is my shepherd… He restores my soul.” Restoration my its very nature also involves deterioration, that from which we need restoration. The condition of sheep being “cast” can help us to understand our own deteriorated spiritual condition. Peter found himself in this condition but being restored by Jesus. It is this restoration, given to us as well, in which…

Led to Still Waters

God created us in such a way that we would thirst for a relationship with Him.  He also commits himself to leading us to the still waters that quench our thirst permanently. Like wayward sheep all too often we reject God, the fountain of living water, and seek our own sources of water.  But as Jeremiah says when we do so it is like having broken cisterns that won’t hold water.  Instead, just as Jesus led the Samaritan Woman at…

The Lord is My Shepherd

The 23rd Psalm starts with and is based upon relationship; the LORD is my shepherd. We derive great comfort from the 23rd Psalm.  Jesus deepens the meaning in John 10.  He is the embodiment of the 23rd Psalm and we as believers embody some very important characteristics of sheep.     Sermon date:  June 17, 2018