News and Events (Page 4)
Voters’ Assembly
Our Voters’ Assembly is scheduled for January 28, 2024. We’d love to see everyone there to see the presentation from NJDU participants- find out what’s ahead in in 2024!
Big Turnout for Crafts, Carols and Christ
What a delightful and joyous celebration of the Christmas season we had at this year’s “Crafts, Carols and Christ” with the children of St Peter Nursery School! It was a full house, with many families from the school as well as congregation members in attendance. The activities began with crafts and games in the downstairs Big Room. While some children were coloring snowmen or cutting out hand-tracings for their angel’s wings, others were testing their skill at landing ping pong…
Collecting Stuffed Animals and More
Collecting stuffed animals and more for December.
Food Pantry for December
Collecting baking and cooking products this month.
Caroling for Shut-Ins
UPDATE: Postponed due to forecast of heavy rains.
Church Christmas Decorating
Help decorate the Church for the Christmas season on Saturday, December 9th
Crafts, Carols and Christ
Welcome the nursery school families on December 9
Youth-Led Advent Service
Calling all St Peter young people! Help with our annual youth-led Advent service on Dec 20th.
Thanksgiving Eve Service
Join us for Thanksgiving Eve service Wednesday at 7:30pm
No Midweek Bible Study This Week
Cancelled this week due to Thanksgiving Eve service.