News and Events (Page 3)
Luke Bible Study: Week 2
Luke 20:27-40, “A Question about Resurrection”
Luke Bible Study: Week 1
Luke 20:19-26 “Render Unto Caesar”
Luke Bible Study: Overview
12 week study of selections from Luke’s Gospel, beginning Nov 3
Service of Healing
Please join us for a St. Peter Service of Healing on Tuesday, Oct. 15 at 7 PM. It is an evening of devotion, contemplation, song, and healing prayer. Bring a friend!
NJ District Youth Retreat
Youth retreat at Liebenzell Retreat Center in Schooleys Mountain, NJ
New Jersey March for Life
March for Life demonstration at NJ capitol
UPDATE: JAMAFTERNOON has been cancelled but will be rescheduled.
2024 St. Peter Picnic
Join us for the picnic on Sept. 8 at 11:00 am!
Midwinter Lecture on Religious Freedom
What does the Constitution say about religious freedom? And how does that impact how we practice our Christian faith? Did you know that one of the most important Supreme Court cases on religious freedom in recent years involved an LCMS school? Join us on Sunday, February 4th at 3pm for a lecture titled: “Religious Freedom in US Law and Policy: Introduction and Recent Developments” by our own Christopher Fusco, JCL, Esq. Chris serves as in-house legal counsel for the Diocese…
Lutheran Basics Class for New Members
4-week class on basics of Lutheran teaching.