Bible Study (Page 2)
Luke Bible Study: Week 8
Luke 2:39-52, “The Boy Jesus in the Temple.”
Luke Bible Study: Week 7
Luke 1:57-80, “The Birth of John the Baptist”
Luke Bible Study: Week 6
Luke 1:26-56, “The Birth of Jesus Foretold”
Luke Bible Study: Week 5
Luke 1:1-25, “The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold”
Luke Bible Study: Week 4
Luke 21:25-36, “The Coming of the Son of Man”.
Luke Bible Study: Week 3
Luke 21:5-24, “Jesus Foretells Destruction of the Temple”
Luke Bible Study: Week 2
Luke 20:27-40, “A Question about Resurrection”
Luke Bible Study: Week 1
Luke 20:19-26 “Render Unto Caesar”
Luke Bible Study: Overview
12 week study of selections from Luke’s Gospel, beginning Nov 3
ecclesiastes week 8 – the whole duty of man
Discussion questions and Bible references for Ecclesiastes 12:8-14.