ecclesiastes week 7 – generosity and the joys of youth

ecclesiastes week 7 – generosity and the joys of youth

For week seven, read Ecclesiastes 11:1 – 12:7. Then read through the following questions:

The Preacher advises us to give generously even though we don’t know what troubles may be on the horizon. (11:2) What is the biggest factor in your life that could prevent you from acting generously? Young people (which here could include anyone from a young child to an unmarried adult) are encouraged to enjoy their youthful years! (11:9) What can churches do to make sure their young people are included as valued members of the Body of Christ? In 12:1-7 the Preacher describes how the aches and pains of old age can make it difficult to be hopeful in spirit. What can churches do to ensure that their senior members are being valued and cared for?

THE VOICE OF JESUS — Read Luke 14:12-14 to hear what Jesus says about our associations with the poor and marginalized. Read Mark 10:13-16 for an example of Jesus’ care for young children. Read Isaiah 40:29-31 for a reminder of how the LORD gives strength to His people of all ages!