ecclesiastes week 6 – work and play

ecclesiastes week 6 – work and play

For week six, read Ecclesiastes 9:7 – 10:20. Then consider the following questions:

The Preacher advocates for a life balanced by pleasure (9:7,9) and hard work (9:10). How well-balanced is your current lifestyle in this regard? Even when we do put forth our best effort, there are no guaranteed outcomes in this life (9:11). How does your Christian faith help you not to become cynical about this reality? The Preacher observes that the more dangerous one’s job, the more wisdom is needed to prevent disaster (10:8-10). What is the biggest danger (physical or spiritual) in the work you do? Mature leaders are a blessing to their communities. What actions are you taking every day to grow in maturity (10:16-17)?

THE VOICE OF JESUS — Read Exodus 20:8-11 to learn God’s design for work and play. Read James 4:13-15 for wisdom on how to manage our earthly expectations in a Godly way. Read Matthew 7:13-14 to hear how Jesus describes the life of discipleship. Read Ephesians 4:11-16 which identifies the resources God makes available to help us become spiritually mature.